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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Viewssort ascending Date
How has the “at-one-ment” view of justification tried to correct the doctrine of justification.
Wolf Christian ... Discipleship › ... › Thankfulness, joy and love as a response to God's love and the work of Christ 00:01:08 4,684 27 Aug 2014
Why preach from John’s Gospel?
Peter Mead Bible › ... › John 00:01:21 4,674 24 May 2014
What can churches practically do to show love to Europe’s refugees?
Paul Sydnor Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 4,667 24 May 2016
In what ways do today’s young people think and feel differently than previous generations?
Maruska Skonc Counseling and PsychologyYouth 00:00:00 4,654 2 Jun 2015
How will our view of the solution to man’s problem shape our Christian life and ministry?
Peter Mead Theology › ... › Sin and Redemption 00:00:00 4,653 31 May 2015
What does it mean that Europe is a ‘secular’ continent?
Martin Robinson History › ... › Modern - 1800 to present 00:00:00 4,641 26 May 2014
What are the causes and symptoms of teenagers’ emotional struggles?
Maruska Skonc Counseling and PsychologyYouth 00:03:56 4,615 27 May 2014
How does Jesus include himself in the unique identity of Israel’s God?
Peter Mead Bible › ... › John 00:02:14 4,614 24 May 2014
The Use and Misuse of Authority in Christian Leadership - Leader to Leader Interview
Diane Langberg Counseling and Psychology 00:00:00 4,596 3 Jun 2015
How can a media strategy’s success be evaluated?
Steve Lowisz Communication, Journalism, Media Studies › ... › Internet 00:01:54 4,587 21 Aug 2014
