Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Is it problematic for family members to all consume different TV shows?
Anne Solfrid Br... Communication, Journalism, Media Studies 00:00:00 799 21 May 2018
Why does Pope Francis believe the papacy needs to change?
Leonardo De Chirico Theology 00:00:00 696 21 May 2018
What are some indications that I am accepting my spouse as he or she is?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 904 21 May 2018
How is God’s love and judgement preeminently displayed in the New Testament?
Paul Copan Theology › ... › Character of God 00:00:00 1,498 21 May 2018
What are some practical ways to direct our hearts toward spiritual growth?
Peter Mead Discipleship › ... › Relationship with God 00:00:00 647 21 May 2018
Why are the canon of the New Testament and the Rule of Faith evidence of apostolic authority?
Adam Szabados TheologyThe church 00:00:00 882 21 May 2018
What are the main theological problems with Mariology?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Roman Catholic 00:00:00 980 21 May 2018
What elements are required in a healthy marriage?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 990 21 May 2018
What are the theological problems of the Roman Catholic Eucharist?
Leonardo De Chirico Theology › ... › Worship 00:00:00 905 21 May 2018
Why is antithesis inescapable in life and essential in theology?
Mateusz Wichary Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 581 21 May 2018
