23 May 2023

Today’s public square is largely a digital one, so it’s vital that Christians, ministries, and Churches think creativ

21 May 2023

In this talk, we consider critically some of the words we use in discussing a doctrine of Scripture, including Apocry

23 May 2023

Do the arts matter for Christians? You may not see yourself as a practising artist.

23 May 2023

With over 20 years working in government, NGOs, and frontline politics, Ross shares reflections on how the news media

21 May 2023

Are the historical narratives of the Old Testament a bunch of myths and legends concocted by Jews writing during the

21 May 2023

Human identity is a topic for which many different kinds of answers are offered, from different spheres.

21 May 2023

The main objective of revitalisation is to bring the church back to good health.

23 May 2023

Why is it that so many Christians are not spiritually mature?

23 May 2023

Most church leaders will ask themselves why guests don’t return. It is great to see visitors come into the church, bu

21 May 2023

The author of Hebrews exhorts us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” But the storms of life, espe

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