Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How complete is the current fossil record and what does that tell us about the theory of evolution?
Gunter Bechly ScienceIntelligent Design 00:00:00 951 20 May 2018
Why is it important for churches and organisations to be open to change?
Oyvind Asland LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 864 20 May 2018
Why is the personal growth of a leader important to the overall growth of his or her ministry?
Larry Anderson Leadership 00:00:00 735 20 May 2018
How have we undermined the gospel by presenting Christ as an option?
Bruce Little ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 958 20 May 2018
Why does persecution create opportunities for Christians to proclaim the Gospel?
Ramez Atallah Evangelism 00:00:00 523 20 May 2018
How can Christians engage constructively with fake news?
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 925 20 May 2018
What are some effective methods for keeping an organization's leadership accountable?
John Stevens LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 516 20 May 2018
Should Christians care about beauty?
Delta David Gier Culture and Art 00:00:00 808 20 May 2018
What is important for academics to understand about Christ when thinking about their subject?
Juha Ahvio TheologyChrist 00:00:00 768 20 May 2018
How can you help someone who struggles with singleness?
Marek Macak DiscipleshipLoving People 00:00:00 640 20 May 2018
