answer Why is it important for church planters to be leaders rather than managers? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,557 |
24 May 2014 |
answer Where do we find multiplication in the Bible? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,537 |
24 May 2014 |
answer Why do strategic plans fail? |
Jerry Twombly |
Leadership › Organisational Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,952 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What does it mean to be a Bible-sharer? |
Craig Dyer |
Evangelism |
00:03:56 |
1,785 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What major issues will church planters in Europe face in the next decade? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,793 |
24 May 2014 |
answer How can preachers faithfully handle key themes in John’s Gospel? |
Peter Mead |
Bible › ... › John |
00:02:25 |
4,767 |
24 May 2014 |
answer How do Jesus’ apologetics also proclaim his divinity? |
Stefan Gustavsson |
Apologetics |
00:00:00 |
4,440 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What is the most effective way for an organisation to develop a strategic plan? |
Jerry Twombly |
Leadership › Organisational Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,586 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What values should undergird an evangelistic course? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Evangelism |
00:00:00 |
1,121 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What is the basis for an apologetics vision? |
John Kirkpatrick |
Apologetics |
00:00:00 |
1,773 |
24 May 2014 |