Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How can leaders encourage their teams to rest?
Marcus Honeysett LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 129 23 May 2022
How do we see secular culture express a desire for deliverance from evil?
Daniel Strange EvangelismPersuasive Evangelism/Apologetics 00:00:00 221 23 May 2022
Why does grief take a toll on others in addition to the grieving person?
Jay Mosser DiscipleshipLeadership: The Fruit of Maturity 00:00:00 93 22 May 2022
How has the pandemic affected our ability to disciple others?
Rick Hill Discipleship 00:00:00 117 22 May 2022
Why should Christians care about hate-speech laws and the criminal case of Mrs. Päivi Räsäne?
Pasi Turunen Culture and ArtPopular Culture 00:00:00 466 22 May 2022
How did Jesus teach his disciples to evangelise?
Kristy Williams Leadership 00:00:00 246 22 May 2022
What are some examples of discussion questions that can stir evangelistic engagement with a film?
Tom Price Communication, Journalism, Media Studies › ... › Film 00:00:00 313 22 May 2022
How is Catholicism different from Evangelicalism?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Roman Catholic 00:00:00 428 22 May 2022
How do the Psalms speak into different areas of human life?
Angela MacKenzie DiscipleshipLoving God 00:00:00 140 22 May 2022
What qualities are important for the leader of a strategic partnership to have?
Jen Charteris LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 242 22 May 2022
