Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why is a defense of the reliability of the Bible important?
Jim Cecy ApologeticsBiblical foundation 00:00:00 1,190 23 May 2018
What can we learn from the structure of Psalm 25?
Peter J. Williams BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 1,848 23 May 2018
What is the importance of managing our lives one day at a time?
Jim Cecy DiscipleshipLiving the Truth 00:00:00 923 23 May 2018
What are some of the philosophical and cultural roots of the Sexual Revolution?
Peter Saunders Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,448 23 May 2018
What is David’s perspective on Goliath and why is it so crucial?
Peter J. Williams BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 2,251 23 May 2018
How can Christians make wise choices amid the moral complexities of politics?
Nola Leach Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 1,005 23 May 2018
How will I know when my words are timely?
Jim Cecy DiscipleshipLiving the Truth 00:00:00 1,070 23 May 2018
What are some biblical models of social and political reformers?
Peter Saunders Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 747 23 May 2018
What is the minimum a person must believe to be saved?
Jim Cecy EvangelismPersuasive Evangelism/Apologetics 00:00:00 929 23 May 2018
How can Christian leaders lead through change?
Nola Leach LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,116 23 May 2018
