Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why is it important to build people’s confidence about engaging with the Bible?
Peter Mead Bible › ... › Study of the Bible 00:00:00 2,617 21 May 2018
How is the prevalence of emotional problems in our culture connected to individualism?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyFamily 00:00:00 1,177 21 May 2018
How did Jesus integrate evangelism and discipleship in his message?
Josef Pavlinak DiscipleshipLeadership: The Fruit of Maturity 00:00:00 886 21 May 2018
How Marian is Pope Francis?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Roman Catholic 00:00:00 808 21 May 2018
How can parents be mindful of their children’s entertainment consumption?
Anne Solfrid Br... Communication, Journalism, Media Studies 00:00:00 2,202 21 May 2018
What are some helpful ways to start a counselling session?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyIntroduction 00:00:00 886 21 May 2018
What are some of the challenges that a leader faces when bringing about change?
Oyvind Asland LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 889 20 May 2018
What role does self-expression have in the motivation of an artist?
Delta David Gier Culture and Art 00:00:00 660 20 May 2018
What makes philosophy an important part of evangelism?
Bruce Little ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 964 20 May 2018
How can understanding the different styles of communication help the church?
Duane Elmer LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 1,080 20 May 2018
