answer What does the Great Commission tell us about Jesus’ way of making disciples? |
Josef Pavlinak |
Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature |
00:00:00 |
2,594 |
21 May 2018 |
answer How did the early church transform the culture of the Roman world? |
Paul Copan |
History › History of Christianity |
00:00:00 |
711 |
21 May 2018 |
answer What are examples of outward evidence of transformation? |
Peter Mead |
Bible › Biblical Teaching and Preaching |
00:00:00 |
740 |
21 May 2018 |
answer How Marian is Pope Francis? |
Leonardo De Chirico |
History › ... › Roman Catholic |
00:00:00 |
808 |
21 May 2018 |
answer What were Hitler’s religious beliefs? |
Richard Weikart |
History › ... › Modern - 1800 to present |
00:00:00 |
2,363 |
21 May 2018 |
answer What are some common misconceptions about acceptance within marriage? |
Pablo Martinez |
Counseling and Psychology › Marital |
00:00:00 |
991 |
21 May 2018 |
answer Should Christians care about beauty? |
Delta David Gier |
Culture and Art |
00:00:00 |
851 |
20 May 2018 |
answer How does God reveal Himself to humans? |
Juha Ahvio |
Theology › God |
00:00:00 |
779 |
20 May 2018 |
answer Why should Christians be ready to answer questions? |
Stefan Gustavsson |
Apologetics › Best Practices |
00:00:00 |
576 |
20 May 2018 |
answer What is the role of Europe in today’s global church? |
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku |
Evangelism › Mission for God’s People |
00:00:00 |
1,850 |
20 May 2018 |