Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why should Christian organisations draw doctrinal and moral boundaries?
Wayne Grudem LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,603 29 May 2015
How can God be the centre of my relationships?
Ken Sande Discipleship › ... › Importance of Relationship 00:00:00 3,219 29 May 2015
How does relational wisdom guide our thinking and action?
Ken Sande Discipleship › ... › Importance of Relationship 00:00:00 2,507 29 May 2015
Why do men and women experience strong emotions differently?
Ken Sande Discipleship › ... › Importance of Relationship 00:00:00 1,986 29 May 2015
What role should prayer play in our decision-making process?
Wayne Grudem EthicsChristian Ethics 00:00:00 1,442 29 May 2015
How can we use a biblical theology of marriage and family to positively impact our communities?
Tim Kimmel Counseling and PsychologyFamily 00:00:00 2,769 29 May 2015
How does the Gospel change our approach to conflict resolution?
Ken Sande Theology › ... › Relationships 00:00:00 1,882 29 May 2015
How does God use symbols and ceremonies to prepare, teach, and bless His people?
Tim Kimmel Counseling and PsychologyFamily 00:00:00 2,625 24 May 2015
What are the characteristics of those who want to learn more?
Paul Bowman Discipleship 00:03:56 2,713 2 Feb 2015
What is the role of good government in creating prosperity?
Wayne Grudem Politics Law and Government 00:03:56 2,050 17 Sep 2014
