Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Is there enough extra-biblical evidence to prove the historical details of the Old Testament?
Peter S. Williams Apologetics 00:00:00 127 21 May 2023
What is the relationship continuum and how does it play out in development work?
Greg Long LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 213 21 May 2023
Why wasn’t the New Testament more specific about what the world is and what it looks like?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 253 20 May 2023
How can the church pursue both reformation and revival simultaneously?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 270 20 May 2023
What were the key components that led to your church plant failing?
Dietrich Schindler TheologyThe Future 00:00:00 200 20 May 2023
How do you think the church has been hijacked by political issues?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 117 20 May 2023
You say most Christians struggle with spiritual reality. How serious is this problem?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 118 20 May 2023
What do you see as the connection between modern ideals and idols of the ancient world?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 125 20 May 2023
How can there be success in failure?
Dietrich Schindler TheologyThe Future 00:00:00 208 20 May 2023
How should Christians respond to a politically polarized world?
Andrew Fellows TheologyThe church 00:00:00 141 20 May 2023
