answer What is the need that MyLife-Workshop is trying to fill? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Evangelism |
00:00:00 |
1,362 |
24 May 2014 |
answer How should I deal with my friend’s radically non-Christian worldview? |
Ellis Potter |
Apologetics |
00:03:56 |
3,985 |
24 May 2014 |
answer How do God’s affections relate to ours? |
Peter Mead |
Discipleship › ... › Relationship with God |
00:01:59 |
3,571 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What are some examples of organisational paradigm shifts we can emulate? |
Jerry Twombly |
Leadership › Organisational Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,691 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What should be the role of imagination in apologetics? |
Stuart McAllister |
Apologetics |
00:01:33 |
1,757 |
24 May 2014 |
answer Why is it essential that church planters practice the spiritual disciplines? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,751 |
24 May 2014 |
answer Why is it important for church planters to be leaders rather than managers? |
Dietrich Schindler |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,559 |
24 May 2014 |
answer Why preach from John’s Gospel? |
Peter Mead |
Bible › ... › John |
00:01:21 |
4,740 |
24 May 2014 |
answer How can we translate a vision of apologetics curriculum into practice? |
John Kirkpatrick |
Apologetics |
00:00:00 |
1,853 |
24 May 2014 |
answer What is the purpose of apologetics? |
Stuart McAllister |
Apologetics |
00:01:06 |
1,419 |
24 May 2014 |