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Digital Communication
Extending your reach through technology to engage people
It is easy to get caught up in the hype of social media/digital communication. All around us we see ‘likes’, ‘tweets’, and other snippets of communication and wonder what the messages are, and the effectiveness of this medium as a messaging platform. As a result, organizations often question the validity of digital mediums to communicate their message to customers, attendees, followers etc.
In this webinar we will look at examples of the effective use of social media and digital communication to engage people, often deepening relationships with those we would otherwise had difficulty reaching.
Specifically we will look at the following:
- Specific examples of the effective use of digital/social media by non-profit organizations
- The history and effectiveness of utilizing digital media in teaching
- How digital media can be utilized to extend the effectiveness of your organization
- How digital media plays a role in the 10 levels of intimacy on today’s communication
- Understand the levels within the digital engagement pyramid
- The relative cost of digital media compared to its alternatives
- 2418 reads
Event ended
Date & time: 3 Feb 2015, 18:00 GMTEvent ended
Recording of the webinar may be available in the Webinar recordings after the event.