Oystein Gjerme

Real name: 
Øystein Gjerme is founding and lead pastor of Salt Bergen City Church in Norway. The church is a multisite church, currently meeting in two locations and planting a third site. In addition to the local church involvement, he is the Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian School for Leadership and Theology. He travels extensively and is involved in teaching, preaching and training in both organizational and church settings. He lives in Bergen, is married and has three children.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Understanding the Power of Vision in Church Planting
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:20:18 3,565 27 May 2014
Me and We: Patterns of Discipleship in a Late Modern Context
Oystein Gjerme Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:24:17 2,805 27 May 2014
What role does meaningful conversation play in church plant coaching?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:49 2,158 26 May 2014
What are the necessary elements in a church plant coaching relationship?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:50 1,931 26 May 2014
How should church planting coaches handle surprise in the coaching relationship?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:39 1,818 26 May 2014
What should be the goals of a church plant coaching relationship?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:50 1,862 26 May 2014
What different support roles do church planters need in their life?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 2,012 26 May 2014
How can church planters counsel and encourage those that they are teaching?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:20 2,002 26 May 2014
What are the core practices of a disciple-making church?
Oystein Gjerme Discipleship 00:01:50 2,356 26 May 2014
What does it mean to be a church planting coach?
Oystein Gjerme LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:43 1,853 26 May 2014
