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Paul Kobylarz
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Paul Kobylarz currently works as the Sports Pastor of one of America’s fastest growing churches, Traders Point Christian Church, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Approximately 1000 people from within and outside of the church are being ministered to on a weekly basis through TPCC’s sports ministry under Paul’s leadership. Paul has extensive experience teaching about sports ministry, which includes planting, consulting and developing sports ministries internationally, and is regarded as one of the world’s most experienced in this field. Paul has worked as a missionary and Sports Pastor in Sweden for 20 years, where using his platform as a professional hockey player and his pastoral/evangelist position in a local church to build Sweden’s first church based sports ministry which “broke the ice” for sports ministry throughout all of Sweden. Together with the local church body of Sweden, Paul also built Sweden’s first nationally church-based interdenominational sports ministry called Sport for Life, which became nationally acclaimed. During those years, Paul has consulted hundreds of churches and taught sports ministry at sports ministry conferences around the world. Paul has also worked as a Sports Chaplain at 6 Olympics (two of which he was Lead Chaplain), and over 30 major sporting events. Paul teaches how to build a sports ministry through the local church, and from the local church to the surrounding community, while sharing his unique experiences of life change he’s seen through the people God’s reached along the way.