Juha Ahvio

Real name: 
Juha Ahvio is a Finnish theologian who works as a Director of Research at the Patmos Foundation for World Missions in Helsinki. He received his D.Theol. degree in Systematic Theology from the University of Helsinki. Ahvio is also an Adjunct Professor (dosentti in Finnish, Privatdozent in German) of Dogmatics at the University of Helsinki. His scholarly interests have focused on confessional Reformed theology and apologetics from the systematic, epistemological, and historical points of view. Ahvio has also written several popular books on various contemporary theological, political, and social topics in order to defend both theologically and politically consistently conservative positions.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How does God reveal Himself to humans?
Juha Ahvio TheologyGod 00:00:00 701 20 May 2018
