Jerram Barrs

Real name: 
Jerram Barrs is presently Professor of Christian Studies and Contemporary Culture at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. Professor Barrs joined the Covenant Seminary faculty in 1989 after 18 years with L'Abri Fellowship in England, where he also pastored the International Presbyterian Church. Jerram's field of expertise is cultural apologetics. He has recently been seeking to develop a more biblical approach to evangelism by studying Jesus' conversations with unbelievers. Other interests include the arts and literature. He has written several books, including Being Human, Shepherds and Sheep, Who Are the Peacemakers?, The Great Rescue, Building Bridges to the Gospel, as well as the video series Building up Bridges, Breaking Down Walls. His most recent publication is The Heart of Evangelism.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Shakespeare: A Christian Worldview?
Jerram Barrs Culture and ArtLiterature 01:37:10 2,797 1 Jan 2004
Jane Austen: Great Christian Novelist
Jerram Barrs Culture and ArtLiterature 01:35:42 2,726 5 Jun 2003
