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How Do We Mentor? How Do We Communicate Better?

Date & time: 18 Mar 2015, 18:00 GMT | Speaker: Bobb Biehl | Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Bobb Biehl's picture

Mentoring – How to Find a Mentor, How to Become One

What difference would it make in your life if you had a mentor? Do you know how to go about finding a mentor? Do you know how to become a mentor? What difference would it make in your organisation to unlock the potential of mentoring?

“YOU FOCUS” – Communicating WITH people not AT them

Do you want to be a good speaker or a great speaker? Do you really connect with each person in your audience or just talk to an audience? Do you know how to get beyond heads and into hearts? In your last donor letter how many times did you say “I”? How many times did you say “you”? Count them!
