Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Is there a gap between the words of Jesus we have in the Gospels and what Jesus actually said?
Peter J. Williams TheologyChrist 00:00:00 250 24 May 2023
What does it look like to live a life of reigning and rejoicing as Christians?
Maurice Nightingale Theology › ... › Discipleship 00:00:00 235 24 May 2023
What worries you about Artificial Intelligence and its influence on the world?
Charlie Catlett Science 00:00:00 186 24 May 2023
Why does it matter what language Jesus used in the teachings we have recorded in the Gospels?
Peter J. Williams TheologyChrist 00:00:00 332 24 May 2023
Why is asking good questions in evangelism so important?
Andy Bannister Evangelism 00:00:00 291 24 May 2023
How can we engage the whole self with the theology of the Psalms?
Heather Holdsworth Discipleship › ... › Bible Reading 00:00:00 312 24 May 2023
How does biblical discipleship shape our relationships with those who are lonely?
Luke Greenwood Discipleship 00:00:00 178 24 May 2023
What does it mean to be "married to the law," and how does it differ from "being married to Jesus"?
Maurice Nightingale Theology › ... › Discipleship 00:00:00 228 24 May 2023
Where can we see the idea of mentoring in the Bible?
Ann Blaser Leadership 00:00:00 237 24 May 2023
What is the one thing that excites you the most about the current state of technology?
Charlie Catlett Science 00:00:00 156 24 May 2023
