Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How can church members be more intentional about keeping their pastor from becoming burnt out?
Marcus Honeysett LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 148 25 May 2022
What does it look like to have Holy Spirit dependence when sharing the gospel?
John MacKinnon Evangelism 00:00:00 295 25 May 2022
Which Christian doctrines are problematic to Muslims?
Emil Shehadeh Other ReligionsIslam 00:00:00 282 24 May 2022
What can we learn about preaching for contrast from Paul’s teaching in Athens?
René Breuel BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 321 24 May 2022
What are some of the most important qualities for being an effective apologist?
Paul Coulter ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 339 24 May 2022
Where can leaders look for encouragement in the face of ministry exhaustion?
Scott Poling LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 271 24 May 2022
What does the Bible say about receiving criticism?
Jay Mosser LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 195 24 May 2022
What does the Bible say about the inevitability of suffering?
Rick Hill Discipleship 00:00:00 179 24 May 2022
What should Christians keep in mind when interacting with Muslim individuals?
Emil Shehadeh Other ReligionsIslam 00:00:00 208 24 May 2022
What are some examples of coercive leadership practices?
Marcus Honeysett LeadershipDiscipleship Leadership 00:00:00 441 24 May 2022
