Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How have refugees experienced the hardship of their displacement?
Paul Sydnor Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 1,941 24 May 2016
What is the ultimate goal of suffering in our lives as Christians?
Jelena Sivulka Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 1,404 24 May 2016
Why is it important for a Christian communicator to be sensitive to biblical genres and forms?
Peter Mead BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 1,479 24 May 2016
What are the issues to which a church planter coach must pay special attention?
Jiří Unger LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 846 23 May 2016
How can the concept of pain be used to explain the Gospel?
Peter Imming ScienceChristianity and Science 00:00:00 1,851 23 May 2016
Why is freedom of conscience a matter of the common good?
Christel Lamère... Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 1,217 23 May 2016
How can married couples be sensitive to each other’s sexual needs?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 2,419 23 May 2016
How can we overcome our fears of witnessing to strangers?
Slavko Hadzic EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 1,567 23 May 2016
What is ‘Eurabia’ and what is its role in European political debate today?
Bert de Ruiter Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 2,658 23 May 2016
How can Christians respond to the idea marriage has changed in the Bible and throughout history?
Pasi Turunen EthicsBiblical ethics 00:00:00 1,322 23 May 2016
