Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What are the three qualities of a Christian mind?
Andrew Fellows ApologeticsIntroduction 00:00:00 1,550 30 May 2015
To what areas does a church planter coach need to pay particular attention?
Dietrich Schindler LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 1,527 30 May 2015
What should define the identity of a Christian?
Theo Bunescu EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 1,562 30 May 2015
What resources do I need to start a sustainable venture?
Jeremy Peckham LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,258 30 May 2015
What makes the gospel particularly hopeful for Muslims?
Beth Peltola Other ReligionsIslam 00:00:00 2,692 30 May 2015
What challenges do we face as Christians in thinking from a gospel worldview?
Timothy Laurence TheologyIntroduction to Theology 00:00:00 1,763 30 May 2015
How did Jesus deal with people who had opposing worldviews?
Andrew Fellows ApologeticsBiblical foundation 00:00:00 1,637 30 May 2015
What does it mean to be blessed by God?
Wayne Grudem Discipleship › ... › Relationship with God 00:00:00 2,230 30 May 2015
What issues particularly confront young Europeans?
Evi Rodemann EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 1,906 30 May 2015
What does natural law teach us about society, politics, and the common good?
Michael Cromartie Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 1,504 30 May 2015
