Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How should we preach poetic passages?
Huw Williams LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:01:46 2,620 26 May 2014
How do biblical models of lust and idolatry help us understand sexual sin?
Emoke Tapolyai Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,909 26 May 2014
How has the attitude to abortion changed in post-Communist Europe?
Roxana Stanciu Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 2,118 26 May 2014
How can our personal disciple-making relationships overcome the cultural norm of individualism?
Oystein Gjerme Discipleship 00:02:04 2,113 26 May 2014
Why do we need Christians in the mainstream media?
Lars Dahle Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesMedia 00:00:00 1,739 26 May 2014
What is our part in sanctification?
John Musselman DiscipleshipConnection between work of Christ and Ethics 00:02:26 2,254 25 May 2014
How does one's understanding of human nature impact a person's view of sex?
Grenville Kent Theology › ... › Biblical Studies - Old Testament 00:02:34 2,325 25 May 2014
What is the Song of Songs' value for apologetics?
Grenville Kent ApologeticsBiblical foundation 00:01:48 2,275 25 May 2014
What is needed in order for a sex addict to begin recovery?
Emoke Tapolyai Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,492 25 May 2014
What are the foundational principles upon which our evangelism should be based?
Craig Dyer Evangelism 00:00:00 1,497 24 May 2014
