Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What is the role of sincere faith in the life of a believer according to Paul?
Terry Virgo TheologyThe church 00:00:00 1,948 21 May 2016
How did love undergird Paul’s ministry?
Terry Virgo TheologyThe church 00:00:00 4,112 21 May 2016
What does Paul mean in describing other believers as “my crown”?
Terry Virgo Discipleship › ... › Importance of Relationship 00:00:00 1,401 21 May 2016
How can the church heal the damage Communism did to people’s identity?
Emoke Tapolyai Counseling and Psychology 00:00:00 4,452 3 Jun 2015
What are common misconceptions about a discipleship group?
Bill Lohnes Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 1,649 2 Jun 2015
What does it look like for a church to love its young people?
Maruska Skonc EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 2,200 2 Jun 2015
What common challenges affect discipleship groups?
Bill Lohnes Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 1,636 2 Jun 2015
What kind of leadership is necessary to overcome challenges in discipleship groups?
Bill Lohnes Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 1,676 2 Jun 2015
How does Jesus provide a model for leading a discipleship group?
Bill Lohnes Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 1,729 2 Jun 2015
Why is it important to have an annual covenant for my discipleship group and what should it contain?
Bill Lohnes Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 1,583 2 Jun 2015
