Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What are the different stages of church health?
David Brown LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 981 22 May 2018
How can a Christian marriage demonstrate God to others?
Jelena Sivulka Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 786 22 May 2018
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 1,109 22 May 2018
What is the secret to positively enjoying evangelism?
Ed Doepel EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 764 22 May 2018
What does it mean to practice biblical meditation and mindfulness?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 1,283 22 May 2018
How did the Reformation influence the development of later Christian movements?
David Hilborn History › ... › Reformation 00:00:00 1,070 22 May 2018
How can Christians dialogue publicly about Queer Theory?
Olof Edsinger Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,186 22 May 2018
What comfort is there in the Bible for someone who is facing death?
Jeremy Marshall Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 541 22 May 2018
What is the fundamental information that marketing communication should contain?
Keith Ogorek Economics and BusinessMarketing 00:00:00 876 22 May 2018
Why are Christian perspectives in public discourse generally limited to a few controversial issues?
Kay Carter Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 686 22 May 2018
