Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What false claims are often made about the history of Christianity?
Beth Peltola History › ... › Medieval 00:00:00 878 22 May 2018
How can Christians communicate complex truths in a world that values soundbites?
Kay Carter Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 927 22 May 2018
What are some practical ways that an organisation can clarify its call to action?
Keith Ogorek Economics and BusinessMarketing 00:00:00 1,026 22 May 2018
What important roles can Christian artists play in the Church?
Charles David Kelley Culture and Art 00:00:00 1,157 22 May 2018
How can a Christian marriage demonstrate God to others?
Jelena Sivulka Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 840 22 May 2018
What needs to happen at the leadership level to renew a congregation?
Martin Robinson LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 875 22 May 2018
How can sleep and exercise influence the body’s response to anxiety?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 2,192 22 May 2018
What are the dangers of a greater openness to queer ideology?
Olof Edsinger Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,373 22 May 2018
How can media communicators use knowledge about a topic to change people’s thinking?
Kay Carter Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 1,487 22 May 2018
What are some habits of healthy families on mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 788 22 May 2018
