Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why does justification still matter?
Michael Reeves Theology › ... › Justification 00:00:00 2,856 24 May 2017
Why is it important that apostolic teaching preceded its textual preservation?
Dirk Jongkind BibleIntroduction to the Bible 00:00:00 2,042 24 May 2017
What is the connection between the glory of God and human flourishing?
Eric Johnson Counseling and Psychology 00:00:00 9,689 24 May 2017
How can we refute the accusation that the Church wrongly excluded alternative Gospels?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Canon of Scripture 00:00:00 2,236 24 May 2017
What is the basis in Genesis for Christian fellowship?
Tina Tschage DiscipleshipLoving People 00:00:00 1,432 23 May 2017
Why is it so important for a leader to be able to communicate effectively?
Duane Elmer LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,293 23 May 2017
What is the cause of the humanitarian crisis among Muslim populations?
Fouad Masri Other ReligionsIslam 00:00:00 1,723 23 May 2017
What are the unique challenges and opportunities for mobilising Asian millennials?
Lawrence Tong EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 1,077 23 May 2017
How can you preach biblical stories well?
Peter Mead BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 1,083 23 May 2017
What is the biblical basis for finding joy in the single life?
Tina Tschage DiscipleshipLoving People 00:00:00 1,034 23 May 2017
