Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why do some multicultural teams not overcome internal conflict?
Scott Moreau Evangelism 00:00:00 1,224 22 May 2017
Why do Christians think they can be a witness for Jesus while never speaking of him?
Avi Snyder EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 1,685 22 May 2017
What are some reasons that miscommunication occurs?
David Sveen LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,544 22 May 2017
How do God and the world treat the connection between role and value differently?
Peter J. Williams EthicsChristian Ethics 00:00:00 1,332 22 May 2017
How do people in the Old Testament serve as pictures of Christ?
Peter J. Williams Theology › ... › Biblical theology 00:00:00 1,233 22 May 2017
How does knowledge of Christ’s work on the cross affect the Christian’s intellectual life?
Bradley Green EducationIntroduction and Importance 00:00:00 3,564 21 May 2017
How is the transgender movement influencing medical practice?
Peter Saunders Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 2,060 21 May 2017
How can we expose the unstable foundations of secularism in a loving manner?
Khaldoun Sweis ApologeticsCultural 00:00:00 1,520 21 May 2017
How does the Bible’s explanation of the world support the claim that it is communication from God?
Stefan Gustavsson Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 2,425 21 May 2017
In what ways has the Catholic gospel remained unchanged since the Reformation?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Roman Catholic 00:00:00 1,759 21 May 2017
