answer What are the keys to receiving major gifts? |
Mark Dillon |
Economics and Business › Management and Leadership |
00:00:00 |
539 |
21 May 2019 |
answer What does fighting for the faith mean? |
Dirk Jongkind |
Leadership |
00:00:00 |
736 |
21 May 2019 |
answer Where can we find good Christian art today? |
Delta David Gier |
Culture and Art |
00:00:00 |
668 |
21 May 2019 |
answer How can the Christian view of desire challenge the world’s view? |
Dan Patterson |
Politics Law and Government |
00:00:00 |
1,276 |
21 May 2019 |
answer Why is self-esteem overrated? |
Daryl McCarthy |
Counseling and Psychology |
00:00:00 |
633 |
21 May 2019 |
answer Why is it important to attend or even become a member of a church? |
Scott Poling |
Discipleship |
00:00:00 |
721 |
21 May 2019 |
answer How do I focus my thinking quickly as I lead next year? |
Bobb Biehl |
Leadership |
00:00:00 |
831 |
21 May 2019 |
answer How should the way Jesus sent His disciples guide Christian leaders? |
Gregory Ogden |
Discipleship |
00:00:00 |
650 |
20 May 2019 |
answer How is AI already impacting us? |
Jeremy Peckham |
Science |
00:00:00 |
718 |
20 May 2019 |
answer What is the final authority in the Catholic Church? |
Leonardo De Chirico |
Other Religions |
00:00:00 |
674 |
20 May 2019 |