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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What are the pros and cons of the ecumenical movement?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Roman Catholic 00:00:00 270 22 May 2022
What are some of the different ways that community can manifest itself in the 21st century?
Nay Dawson EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 213 22 May 2022
What does the parable of the Prodigal Son teach us about the Father and coming home?
Kristi Mair Theology › ... › Nature of Human Beings 00:00:00 390 22 May 2022
Why is it important for Christians to be heard speaking on the whole Gospel, not specific issues?
Sheridan Voysey ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 232 22 May 2022
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
Kristy Williams LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 561 22 May 2022
Where are critiques of gender transitioning coming from?
Peter Saunders Culture and ArtPopular Culture 00:00:00 277 22 May 2022
How was the Sabbath observed in the early church and throughout church history?
Kevin Conway Theology › ... › Biblical theology 00:00:00 306 22 May 2022
What arguments are used to accuse Christians of hate speech?
Pasi Turunen Culture and ArtPopular Culture 00:00:00 336 22 May 2022
The Pastor’s Bible
Michael Chalmers Discipleship › ... › Bible Reading 00:00:00 747 22 May 2022
What is the danger of paying more attention to its methods than to its mission?
Robert Chestnut Discipleship 00:00:00 203 22 May 2022
