answer How can women gain the confidence needed to lead well? |
Vesna Radeka |
Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,632 |
3 Jun 2015 |
answer What is the connection between disciple-making and evangelism? |
Wolf Christian ... |
Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature |
00:00:00 |
2,106 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer What is the biblical basis for caring for the environment? |
Alistair Donald |
Science › Christianity and Science |
00:00:00 |
1,877 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer What steps are involved in forming a discipleship group? |
Bill Lohnes |
Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature |
00:00:00 |
1,829 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer In what ways do today’s young people think and feel differently than previous generations? |
Maruska Skonc |
Counseling and Psychology › Youth |
00:00:00 |
4,823 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer What happens if we focus on Jesus’ mission and call but not his identity in our evangelism? |
Craig Dyer |
Evangelism › Communicating the Gospel |
00:00:00 |
4,176 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer What skills and abilities equip a Christian to be a good church planter? |
Oivind Augland |
Leadership › Church Leadership |
00:00:00 |
2,279 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer How can we balance creativity and faithfulness in evangelism? |
Glen Scrivener |
Evangelism › Communicating the Gospel |
00:00:00 |
1,714 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer How can I balance ministry tasks and networking outside of my ministry? |
Christian Scheiner |
Leadership › Organisational Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,692 |
2 Jun 2015 |
answer How can Christians respond biblically and effectively to the issue of global warming? |
Alistair Donald |
Science › Christianity and Science |
00:00:00 |
1,699 |
2 Jun 2015 |