talk Emotionally Intelligent Leadership |
John Stevens |
Leadership › Organisational Leadership |
00:00:00 |
1,357 |
20 May 2019 |
talk Character in Discipleship |
Ewa Pieszka |
Discipleship |
00:00:00 |
1,553 |
20 May 2019 |
answer Can women be evangelists to men? |
Stephen McQuoid |
Evangelism |
00:00:00 |
654 |
20 May 2019 |
answer What made Jesus’ discipleship transformational in the long term? |
Gregory Ogden |
Discipleship |
00:00:00 |
1,060 |
20 May 2019 |
answer What is God's purpose for government? |
Peter Roskam |
Politics Law and Government |
00:00:00 |
961 |
20 May 2019 |
answer How has secularism affected global youth? |
Luke Greenwood |
Evangelism |
00:00:00 |
688 |
20 May 2019 |
short_talk Masters or Slaves: AI and the Future of Civilisation |
Jeremy Peckham |
Science |
00:00:00 |
1,386 |
20 May 2019 |
answer How can we offer Christ as liberation for young people today? |
Emoke Tapolyai |
Counseling and Psychology |
00:00:00 |
628 |
20 May 2019 |
answer How much evidence is needed for faith? |
David Glass |
Apologetics |
00:00:00 |
614 |
20 May 2019 |
answer How can you explain to Muslims the divinity of Jesus? |
Jay Smith |
Apologetics |
00:00:00 |
1,564 |
20 May 2019 |