A Christian Understanding of Sex and Human Flourishing

The sexual revolution is taking place all around us. There is growing acceptance and celebration of sexual promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and transgenderism. Most Christians are unprepared for this challenge, with many either retreating from engagement or surrendering. We must do better. God’s purpose for sex and human relationships can not only be defended, it can be joyfully proclaimed. It is good news.
Therefore, we must understand what is going on, why it is happening, and where it is heading. We need to better know and embrace God’s design for human sexuality, and how it fits within the creation and redemption story. And we need to learn how to articulate these liberating truths to our friends and family.
Featured Speakers:
With talks addressing the big issues, discussion questions, short videos about specific topics, application, and ideas for further study, this FREE curriculum is designed to equip you in all these ways. Featuring Christian experts who have thought deeply and spoken widely on sexual ethics—Glynn Harrison, Richard Winter, Jim Cecy, and Stefan Gustavsson—each of the six lessons will leave you, your small group, or your family ready to lovingly and fearlessly explain, model, and defend God’s better way.