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Short Talk

Captivating A Restless Culture

Date recorded: 7 Dec 2024 | Speaker: Jerry Root | Event: Master Class
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Embedded in each of us are deep-felt needs that, when properly understood, reveal the heart’s quest for God. As Augustine said, ‘Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee’. Understanding and recognising these longings in our own lives will make us better at connecting the Gospel to the deep-felt needs in the hearts of all we meet. This Master Class will explore these longings and how to segue from the topic of longings to a presentation of the Gospel.

This is part one in a five part Master Class series on 'C. S. Lewis & Longing for God: The Gospel & Deep Felt Need'.

Where do you see God-ward longing even in our very secularized world? In this talk, we will reflect on the restless culture and how God can leverage our circumstances for a Gospel impact.