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Short Talk

Disordered Affection and Allegiance


This Pre-forum talk addresses the following topics:

1.       Desiring with a Disordered Affection: the Seduction of Hedonism
Hedonism encourages us to live by our appetites alone with the promise that this is the way to achieve the pleasure God made us for. The church’s enculturation means we have forgotten that Christ is our supreme good.

2.       The Pressure of a Disordered Allegiance: the Coercion of Politicism
This talk examines how the new moral order in the political sphere is compromising Christians on both sides of the culture wars. As political pressure increases, the church must recover its commitment to Christ’s absolute authority and Lordship.

Andrew Fellows was appointed pastor of a church in Bradford, West Yorkshire in 1988 where he served for seven years. In 1995 his family moved to the English branch of L’Abri Fellowship, where they lived and worked for 21 years. From 2011 to 2016 Andrew was the chairman of L’Abri International. Now based in Cambridge, Andrew is the pastor of a newly formed church alongside his work of speaking and writing. He has a special interest in reaching sceptics and encouraging followers of Christ to develop the life of the mind so it includes the whole gospel to the whole world with all of its implications. IVP recently published his book, Smuggling Jesus Back Into the Church: How Not to be Worldly. Andrew is married to Helen. They have four children and three grandchildren.