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Short Talk

Thinking Biblically about Islam: We Have What We Need to Engage

Date recorded: 18 Jan 2025 | Speaker: Beth Peltola | Event: Master Class
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"With ongoing tumult in Islamic lands, Muslims are on the move, and that means Islam is on the move. With the current flow of migration, 15% of Europe’s population may be Muslim by 2050. Different Muslim communities will secularise, some will radicalise, but the bigger question we must ask is: how many will become Christian? How well is the Church doing in communicating Christ as the alternative to Islam? How open, bold, and clear are we in Gospel conversations with Muslims friends? This Master Class aims to help Christians biblically engage the faith of Muslims and turn the growing tide of Islam to Christ. This is part one in a five part Master Class series on 'A Short Guide to Islam: A Biblical Response to the Faith of Our Muslim Neighbours'. What does the Bible say about Islam and Muslims? How do we understand and respond to different Islamic groups? What is God’s response to false ideas about Himself? "