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Discipleship and the Doctrine of Justification: Training Without Becoming Legalistic
Discipleship and the Doctrine of Justification: Training Without Becoming Legalistic
- 3126 reads
The history of disciple-making has its own pendulum swings. Is the Gospel about grace and is discipleship about works? Theologically this is obviously not the case – but practically sometimes it might seem so. The rediscovered emphasis on the spiritual disciplines is meant to help us transcend “easy believism” and “cheap grace”. But it may also overcorrect the mistake and replace atonement with “at-one-ment”, “what did Jesus do” with “what would Jesus do”, “sin management” with “spiritual transformation”, to name some of the more memorable formulations of a contrast. In this talk we will have a practical look at how to live with these apparent contrasts as we “trust and obey."