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Evangelical Identity - From the 1st Century for the 21st Century

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Every generation since the Evangelical revivals of the 18th century has asked the question, ‘What does it mean to be an Evangelical?’ The issue of Evangelical identity is hotly contested today. Some want to redefine historic Evangelical convictions about Scripture and salvation to fit with contemporary culture. Some want to define Evangelicalism more narrowly to include convictions on secondary issues as well as primary doctrines. Others are embarrassed by the way that Evangelicalism has become associated with particular political positions or parties. It is therefore essential that we define Evangelicalism biblically, so that we know what it means to be an Evangelical. The New Testament defines an Evangelical as someone who believes and preaches the apostolic gospel. Those who reject or change this message cannot be accepted as Evangelicals. Paul’s letter to the Galatians defines the gospel for us, so we can identify both those who are faithful Evangelicals and those who are dangerous false teachers. Such clarity will enable us to guard the gospel in Europe in the next generation, build meaningful unity with fellow Evangelicals, and protect churches and organisations from compromising the gospel.