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Strong Foundations: The Prayers of Many
In 2 Corinthians 1:11 we read “You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.” Paul in his writings often urges the need for prayer in order that his mission will be be fruitful. He simply cannot conceive that doing what he is attempting will be fruitful at all without large scale, ongoing “prayers of many.” The Church in the global South and East can teach the church in the western world much about gospel advance. One obvious stand-out example is the priority placed on corporate prayer by churches in non-western contexts. In this talk, Mike and the team explore the why and the how corporate prayer in the local church can once again become the driver for gospel fruitfulness it should be. It is the contention of this talk that Europe needs a movement of prayer in order to ignite a movement of gospel advance. The one cannot happen without the other.