Dave Patty

Real name: 
Dave Patty has been involved in training youth leaders and leading national and international youth movements in Europe for over 30 years. He serves as the president of Josiah Venture. He is also a founding member of Concentric, which mobilizes and equips youth ministry trainers in over 60 countries of the world. Dave is an ordained pastor with a BA in theology and a MA in education. He has also done graduate work in leadership development at Harvard University. For the past 30 years he has lived in the Czech Republic, and he spent the 10 years before that in Germany. Dave is married to Connie and has three grown children, Tyler, Caleb, and Claire.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort descending
What keeps us from seeing the ripe harvest that Jesus saw?
Dave Patty EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 1,140 20 May 2017
How should parents talk to their children about sex?
Dave Patty Counseling and PsychologyYouth 00:00:00 1,522 20 May 2017
Why is it important to view yourself as a steward of a mission rather than the owner of a mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 626 22 May 2018
What are the benefits of the whole family being on mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 668 22 May 2018
How do you encourage a lifestyle of mission not just a one-time experience for young disciples?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 656 22 May 2018
How do you turn passion in young disciples into fruitfulness?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 507 22 May 2018
Why is it important to equip young disciples for mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 590 22 May 2018
What are some common pitfalls for families on mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 763 22 May 2018
What are some habits of healthy families on mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 700 22 May 2018
What is the difference between parents being in ministry and the whole family being on mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 694 22 May 2018
