John Woodbridge

Real name: 
John Woodbridge is the Research Professor of Church History and Christian Thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has a doctorate in history from the University of Toulouse and an MDiv from Trinity. Dr. Woodbridge has taught history at the University of Toulouse, Northwestern University, and Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne. His areas of expertise include evangelicalism, fundamentalism, the history of the Bible’s authority, the French enlightenment and religion, the French Huguenots, and the origins of higher criticism. He is the former senior editor of Christianity Today, and his publications include Biblical Authority, The Evangelicals, and Revolt in Prerevolutionary France: The Conspiracy of the Prince de Conti Against Louis XV (1755-1757). John and his wife, Susan, reside in Lake Forest, Illinois. They have three children.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Church History and Evangelicalism
John Woodbridge History › ... › Reformation 00:00:00 2,358 15 Aug 2017
The History of Biblical Authority
John Woodbridge Theology 00:00:00 3,030 23 May 2017