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Mateusz Wichary
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Mateusz Wichary comes from a Roman Catholic background and is currently a Polish Baptist pastor who has pastored three churches in a strictly Catholic setting. He is also the President of the Polish Baptist Church and the Polish Evangelical Alliance. Mateusz is a lecturer in Wyższe Baptystyczne Seminarium Teologiczne in Warszawa, Poland and Chief Redactor of Slowo Prawdy Publishing, the Polish Baptist Edition House and monthly Magazine. Mateusz holds a doctoral degree in Theology (Chrzescijanska Akademia Teologiczna), has published over one hundred of articles (both popular and academic, including in Catholic Journals) and three books: one about the New Apostolic Reformation (Nowa Reformacja czy Nowa Deformacja?...), one about the political theology of Abraham Kuyper ("Cała rzeczywistość dla Chrystusa"...), and a popular introduction to Protestantism for a Polish/Catholic reader (Najważniejsze pytania o protestantyzm). Mateusz is engaged in various forms of ecumenical dialogue on behalf of his church. Mateusz lives in Warszawa, with his wife Beata, son Wiktor, and daughter Helena.