David Novak

Real name: 
David Novak (M.Th) is president of the Czech Brethren Church, which is the largest Czech evangelical denomination. He also teaches philosophy, ethics for helping professions, and missiology at Prague Evangelical Seminary. Prior to that, he led a denominational youth ministry for 16 years before pastoring a local church in Prague. While working in the church he also taught philosophy at several high schools. He has written several books about contemporary culture and Christianity, and he contributed to Tim Keller´s book Center Church Europe. He studied theology at Prague Evangelical Seminary, missiology at the University of Wales, and philosophy at Charles University. He has two sons.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Struggles Most Apologists Face and How to Overcome Them
David Novak Apologetics 00:00:00 1,736 23 May 2018