Christian Bensel

Real name: 
Christian Bensel (Dr. phil) grew up in Berwang, Tyrol, Austria, and studied linguistics and philosophy in Innsbruck and London, receiving his DPhil. He worked for International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Austria while writing a dissertation on truth and change. During his time at Schloss Mittersill (Mittersill Castle) he organised the "Bible & Culture" course. He now works as tutor at the ITG – Institut für Theologie und Gemeindebau (Martin Bucer Seminar, Linz) which includes speaking publicly on apologetic issues and on staff of the Mennonite Free Church in Wels. He lives with his family in Upper Austria.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
"I Attack You With Words" - Medieval Lessons for European Apologetics
Christian Bensel History › ... › Medieval 00:43:53 3,142 25 May 2014