Mike Betts

Real name: 
Mike Betts is one of the leaders of Relational Mission, a family of churches itself part of the wider Newfrontiers group. Mike is the author of 'From the Inside Out', 'Relational Mission: A Way of Life', 'The Prayers of Many' and 'Everyone a Witness'. Mike enjoys serving the church, helping her realise and enjoy her inheritance in Christ. This involves church planting, gospel expansion, empowering the poor, developing corporate prayer and seeing the next generation grow into all that God has for them. Mike is married to Sue, they live in the UK and are currently serving predominantly in North London. Relational Mission seeks to plant and strengthen churches in the UK, mainland Europe and across growing global connections. 
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What are the dangers if a church neglects to practice corporate prayer?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 287 23 May 2022
What should a healthy church’s prayer culture look like?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 511 23 May 2022
Where can we get help if we don’t know how to pray?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 441 23 May 2022
What can we learn from the way the Apostle Paul incorporated prayer into his mission?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 277 23 May 2022
What are the benefits of churches cultivating a vibrant corporate prayer life?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 381 23 May 2022
What are some ways that churches can cultivate corporate prayer?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 248 23 May 2022
Does the number of people engaged in corporate prayer matter? Why or why not?
Mike Betts Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 292 23 May 2022
What are some questions I can ask myself to determine if I’m leading myself and others well?
Mike Betts LeadershipDiscipleship Leadership 00:00:00 378 22 May 2022
How can creating a rule of life help me lead better?
Mike Betts LeadershipDiscipleship Leadership 00:00:00 186 22 May 2022
What are the four stages of discipleship training / learning?
Mike Betts LeadershipDiscipleship Leadership 00:00:00 223 22 May 2022
