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Štěpán Rucki
Real name:

Štěpán Rucki is a Czech pediatrician with a special interest in pediatric cardiology. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Brno. His scientific work focused on hypertension in children and adolescents, and he received his Ph.D. from Charles University in Prague. In his professional life, as the head of the children's ward at the Třinec Hospital, he participated in the training of many pediatricians.
Štěpán is also well known in the Christian community as one of the founders and long-time chairman of the Fellowship of Christian Healthcare Professionals in the Czech Republic, which cooperated with ICMDA. In addition to his professional publications, he is the author of several books on Christian topics, such as Is There Any Sick Among You? (Health, Sickness and Healing from Christian Perspective), Alternative Medicine - Help or Danger?, Respect for Life. He has also edited conference proceedings such as the two publications Between the Bible and Medicine volume I and II.
In recent years he has become more involved in apologetics. In 2021 he published a book entitled In the Vortex of Evolution (Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design in the Light of Facts). In addition, he has published apologetic articles on the ProBoha website (ProBoha has a double meaning in Czech - For God and My God!) and is involved in the teaching ministry at his church.
Dr. Rucki is happily married, and he and his wife, Lydia, have raised two grown sons. They are now enjoying two granddaughters.