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Peter Sanlon
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Peter Sanlon holds theology degrees from Oxford and Cambridge Universities. His PhD is on Augustine's preaching and doctrine of scripture. He has published various studies, including: Plastic People: How Queer Theory Is Changing Us (London: Latimer Trust, 2010), "Bringing Emotions to the Surface in Ministry" (Anvil 26, no. 3&4, 2009: p.231-42), "An Augustinian Mindset" (Themelios 33, no. 1, 2008: p.39-45), and "The Embers of Preaching and the Flames of Piety" (Churchman 120, no. 1, 2006, 57-69). Peter has worked as a speech writer in the House of Lords and a political campaign manager. From July 2010 Peter will be ministering in an inner city London parish, alongside teaching Church History and Doctrine at Oak Hill College.