Dirk Jongkind

Real name: 
Dirk Jongkind is the Academic Vice Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, and an Affiliated Lecturer and Cambridge University. His main scholarly interest is the text and language of the Greek New Testament. He is also the editor of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Evangelicals in Academia
Dirk Jongkind Education 00:00:00 3,342 17 Sep 2015
The Historical Reliability of the New Testament
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Jesus/New Testament 00:00:00 3,062 17 Sep 2015
Greek Textual Criticism
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Jesus/New Testament 00:00:00 3,475 17 Sep 2015