Henryk Krol

Real name: 
Henryk Król is president & CEO of DEOrecordings Association (CCM Media), an umbrella organisation owning three limited companies: Studio DR, Ltd (he is its President and CEO), Radio CCM Ltd. and MCC Group,.Ltd. It forms an innovative media ministry based in Poland that combines traditional media (6 FM Radio stations), art (professional recording studio and publishing), and new tools (Software development with a flagship – Gele/CODEX e-learning platform tailored to spiritual follow-up, Service Center to Jesus.net global evangelistic movement, multiple own portals, multimedia productions, etc). Having a holistic vision of a “full path,” all the communications and technology are backed by an army of hundreds of volunteers who implement it daily with interested seekers, both on-line as e-coaches and off-line as small group leaders. His heart is in building cooperation and partnership across denominations and countries, networking for better effectiveness in spreading the Gospel. Henryk holds a PhD in engineering. His present research focuses on how to best use the Internet without forgetting to "stand firm" on the biblical truth as the final authority. He is married to Boguslawa, with whom he has three adult children: Filip, Paulina, and Szczepan.