Nick Nedelchev

Real name: 
Nikolay (Nick) Nedelchev served as the President of the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) from 1999 until October 2007. He was born in the small town of Petrich in 1949, very close to the Greek border. His parents were both believers, but Nick did not become a follower of Christ until the age of 21. Shortly after becoming a believer, Nick was discipled by Vassil Angelov, a Bulgarian who graduated from Wheaton College and Dallas Theological Seminary and was supported by College Church in Wheaton. Shortly after Vassil Angelov passed away in 1971, Nick was asked by his church leadership to begin preaching and teaching. In 1973, Nick was ordained in the Baptist Union of Bulgaria and served as a traveling preacher and teacher. He later served as an assistant pastor and as senior pastor of the Baptist Church in Sofia. He also took responsibility for the Baptist Union of Bulgaria. Prior to the fall of Communism in November 1989, Nick secretly spent time discipling, mentoring and training young leaders through small groups and home Bible study/training in partnership with BEE (Biblical Education by Extension) – now ENTRUST. Nick was also one of the founders of the Bulgarian Biblical Academy “Logos” in January 1990 (now United Theological Faculty) and served as Executive Director until 2006. Nick has a vision to take the Gospel throughout Bulgaria, the Balkans and beyond. He is committed to reaching the Muslim world for Christ. Over the last six years, Nick has been traveling frequently to Iraq to train new emerging church leaders.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why Is It So Difficult to Be a Leader Today?
Nick Nedelchev LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 2,639 28 May 2014
How to Help Leaders Who Have Made Mistakes
Nick Nedelchev Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 2,866 27 May 2013
Purity and Integrity
Nick Nedelchev Discipleship › ... › Flesh and Spirit 00:00:00 3,034 23 May 2011